www.gusucode.com > 落叶冰点万能企业网站内容管理系统 V9.1 > 落叶冰点万能企业网站内容管理系统 V9.1\程序说明.txt

本系统后台路径: /admin/index.asp 
后台默认用户名: admin
后台默认密码: admin
This version is mainly accompanied by a tag help document.
The new cms system uses self-developed new template label system kernel, committed to the universal and practical design and development, is the best solution for a variety of web applications. The background of the functional design framework and interface design framework, so that it is suitable for individuals from the enterprise, government and other aspects of the application requirements, flexible scalability and strong compatibility is a major feature of the system.
The background of the system path: /admin/index.asp
Background Default User Name: admin
Background default password: admin